Blazo Gjorev Discusses the Advances of Trucking Technology

The shipping industry has been beset by challenges over the past few years. Trucking expert Blazo Gjorev discusses how technology could relieve pain points.

With logistics networks strained across the globe, shortages remain common and empty store shelves routine. That said, experts in the trucking industry are leveraging technology to mitigate challenges. Trucking expert Blazo Gjorev discusses some of the most important topics in tech and trucking, including self-driving cars and more.

“Of course, there’s a lot of noise being made about self-driving vehicles,” Blazo Gjorev notes. “And eventually, self-driving vehicles may disrupt the trucking industry. Still, that’s likely many years away. For now, AI could have a profound impact on logistics software and platforms.

When you think of logistics, you likely think of planes, trains, and automobiles, and rightly so. These vehicles and vessels do much of the heavy moving in logistics. However, carriers are increasingly plugged into logistics software solutions that track available space, destinations, customer requests, and more delivering marked efficiency improvements.

Unfortunately, there is often so much data available that it’s hard for people to sort through, especially in real-time. That’s where Artificial Intelligence comes in. AI can analyze vast amounts of information, say finding space available on a truck heading from Atlanta to St. Louis. If the truck is passing through Nashville and a client there needs something carried on to St. Louis, AI can alert carriers and shippers.

“Logistics is all about coordination,” Blazo Gjorev points out. “Decades ago, shipping existed mostly in silos. A company would hire a truck to move goods and outside of the two parties, there was often minimal coordination. Now, carriers can coordinate with a larger number of shippers easily.”

Full cargo loads tend to drive prices lower because shippers can carry more goods at once, making logistics more efficient. Freight optimization has been a boon for shippers and carriers alike. Various logistics and trucking platforms help to greatly increase optimization.

Blazo Gjorev Talks Electric Trucks and Improving Environmental Footprints

With shipping, the cost isn’t the only factor. Many people and organizations are now more concerned about the environment than perhaps ever before. The fuel economy for combustion engines has gradually improved over the years, but still, semis are only getting around 6 miles per gallon on average.

“We’ve seen improvements in fuel economy for traditional semi-trucks,” Blazo Gjorev says. “Right now, many within the industry are aiming for 10 miles per gallon but that remains a long way off. Electric semi-trucks may be an option in the future, but distance per charge and charging times remain an obstacle.”

Some companies are working on electric semi-trucks and the future is promising. However, we’re likely years away from seeing electric trucks challenging diesel. Distance per charge has improved greatly over the years. The first Tesla Model S got only about 200 miles per charge, for example, but the latest models can top 400 miles.

Still, charging time remains a roadblock. Right now, the fastest charging technologies still require more than half an hour to fully charge a truck. Meanwhile, filling up fuel tanks takes only minutes.